Concepts you need to know to become a full stack developer

The ultimate stack/concepts to become full stack developer 

A full stack developer is someone who knows application of front-end (like HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, JQUERY, Front End
Frameworks), back-end (PHP or PYTHON or C/C++/C# or .NET), databases (MYSQL, POSTGRES, MongoDB, Cassandra),
Linux Shell Scripting etc. 

Here are the things that you need to learn.


HTML is one of the most standard mark-up languages for designing web pages – the ‘mark-up’indicates the structure of
the web pages. There are no specific functions or commands in HTML – the entire design is rendered using tags which in
itself is not visible on the browser.

HTML forms the base of web design; however, interactive and dynamic websites cannot be designed solely by the knowledge
or utilization of HTML. Therefore, there are specific uses of HTML wherein it proves to be useful –

a) Publishing of online documents in the digital space – be it photos, tables, text etc.
b) Retrieval of information or data from online sources
c) Form designs – specifically for e-commerce platforms, payment gateways etc.
d) Embedding external applications such as video clippings, excel spreadsheets etc.

Bootstrap is essentially a front-end web development framework combining the specific features and functions of HTML & CSS to
design & deploy templates using multiple web components such as forms, buttons, navigations, tables,images and so on.
In addition to this, Bootstrap is quite open-ended in terms of its integration with plug-ins and JavaScript frameworks which
in turn would enable developers to make these components interactive. Hence, it provides a one-stop shop for users providing
them with ample features and tools to develop responsive designs using the sophistication of both HTML & CSS.

Java Script is one of the most popular programming languages in the world right now. It is now widely being used outside of the
browser from server side to desktop and mobile applications. Javascript is a high-level, dynamically typed interpreted programming

"In case you’re wondering, JavaScript has nothing to do with Java, it’s an unfortunate name choice but we have to live
with it. "

In java script you should know about - Variables and Data Types, Math and  Logic
Conditionals, Looping, Functions, Objects and Arrays
React is a front end JavaScript library which was developed by Facebook in the year 2013. It is used to develop reusable
UI by following the component based approach. React is used to create complicated and interactive web and mobile user

Some of the key features of React are:

· React makes use of virtual DOM instead of the regular or real DOM.

· React is used for server side rendering.

· React has uni-directional or one-way data flow or data binding.


Node.js is fundamentally a server-side platform which has been designed using the JavaScript engine of Google Chrome.
This is one of the most viral & frequently used frameworks by the developer community in implementing & deploying
scalable network applications. The key characteristics of Node.js is that it employs an ‘event driven’ and ‘non-blocking input/output
model’ which enhances the performance and efficiency of the application & makes it extremely agile and lightweight. To add to it,
Node.js is an open source platform; and is compatible with all operating systems supporting JavaScript.

Angular JS

To put it simply, Angular JS is an open source JavaScript framework which is used to create dynamic, single web page applications.
It allows us to create rich and cross-platform web applications with fewer lines of code. It runs on plain JavaScript and HTML hence
there is no need for any other dependencies to make the framework work.
